Nusa Tenggara Timur

Kualitas Kepemimpinan Penentu Keberhasilan

Kualitas Kepemimpinan Penentu Keberhasilan
Ikon konten premium Cetak | 15 Juni 2015

SENGGIGI, KOMPAS — Kualitas kepemimpinan daerah dan politik anggaran menjadi kendala bagi Dewan Perwakilan Daerah dalam upayanya mendorong peningkatan pembangunan di sejumlah daerah. Daerah yang memiliki pemimpin yang kurang kapabel, ditambah ada persoalan dengan politik anggarannya, kurang berhasil dalam pembangunannya. Kondisi ini tentu saja merugikan rakyat.

Sejuta Upaya Dapatkan Sesuap Nasi

Sejuta Upaya Dapatkan Sesuap Nasi
Kornelis Kewa Ama
Ikon konten premium Cetak | 16 Juni 2015

Martha Neo (61), ditemani anak bungsu dan dua cucunya, berdiri di tepi jalan rute Kupang- Kolbano, Timor Tengah Selatan. Mereka ingin menjual daun gewang di SoE, ibu kota Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Hal itu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sesuap nasi, menyusul gagal panen akibat kekeringan berkepanjangan.

Di Manggarai, Hutan sebagai "Anak Rona", Manusia sebagai "Anak Wina"

Di Manggarai, Hutan sebagai "Anak Rona", Manusia sebagai "Anak Wina"
Selasa, 16 Juni 2015 | 10:04 WIB

BORONG, — Seluruh pemangku kepentingan di Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur harus memiliki satu pemahaman bersama tentang perlindungan mata air di kawasan hutan konservasi di Taman Wisata Alam Ruteng. Pemahaman ini diperlukan karena air sebagai sumber penopang bagi kelangsungan pertanian dan air minum bersih bagi warga masyarakat di empat desa bahkan kebutuhan air minum bersih bagi Kota Borong.

Local administration lends hand to promote forest honey

Local administration lends
hand to promote forest
Djemi Amnifu, The Jakarta Post, Kupang | Archipelago | Tue, June 09 2015, 5:40 AM

Learning from the rising demand for local forest honey over the past several years, the East Nusa Tenggara administration has pledged support for a wider promotion of the product and to help local farmers develop capacity.

Islands in focus: 5.2 magnitude earthquake jolts East Sumba

Islands in focus: 5.2 magnitude
earthquake jolts East Sumba
The Jakarta Post, Kupang | Archipelago | Fri, June 12 2015, 8:11 AM

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Sumba Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) at 1:32 a.m. local time on Thursday at a depth of 38 kilometers.

“However, the quake did not have the potential to trigger a tsunami. But we advise residents to remain alert of the possibility of aftershocks,” said Kupang Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) station head Sudaryono on Thursday.

Islands in focus: Migrants housed in hotel due to overcrowding

Islands in focus: Migrants housed in hotel due to overcrowding
The Jakarta Post, Kupang | Archipelago | Thu, June 04 2015, 8:59 AM

Kupang Immigration Office head Agus Dwianto said 65 migrants from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, who had been stranded in Rote, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), were being accommodated at Hotel Ina Boi as the Kupang Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) was beyond capacity.

Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme (NRP): School feeding and assistance to children under five and pregnant & lactating women through posyandu

Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme (NRP) is the backbone of WFP’s assistance in Indonesia, which cover 7 Provinces in Indonesia (NAD, West Java, Banten, DKI Jakarta, East Java, NTB and NTT). NRP includes support to 309,000 children under five and 90,000 pregnant & lactating mothers through 3,800 posyandus/local health clinics, as well as 557,000 primary school children through the school feeding programme in almost 3,000 schools.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jan 2008 to Dec 2011

Food for Work and Food for Training

WFP mainly carries out FFW/FFT activities in East Java, Lombok and in particular in West Timor, NTT. In West Timor, WFP is specifically focused on the creation of agricultural facilities to increase agricultural productivity. Seven kinds of facilities have been determined and prioritized for NTT. Terracing, check dams, tree planting, earth dams, water source development, farmland development and village feeder roads.

Informasi Kegiatan
Jangka Waktu Project: 
Jan 2008 to Dec 2011
Wilayah Kerja: 
