Palladium mengembangkan dan memberikan solusi dengan menciptakan dampak positif bagi masyarakat, kalangan usaha dan perekonomian. Bersama dengan pemerintah, dunia usaha dan organisasi masyarakat sipil, kami berkontribusi terhadap proses transformasi unntuk kehidupan yang lebih baik melalui lebih 100 proyek yang saat ini sedang berjalan, dengan jumlah karyawan di atas 2000 orang, di lebih dari 90 negara. Perusahaan memiliki toleransi nihil terhadap pelecehan anak dan dan meminta komitmen yang sama terhadap perlindungan anak dari Mitra Bisnis. Tentang Program SIAP SIAGAProgram SIAP SIAGA...
Program Digital Talent Scholarship adalah program beasiswa pelatihan dan sertifikasi yang ditujukan kepada para peserta terpilih untuk meningkatkan keterampilan di bidang IT. Program DTS kembali menghadirkan Online Academy dengan materi pelatihan yang sudah disiapkan oleh Kementerian Kominfo bekerjasama dengan Global Technology Company seperti Cisco, Redhat, Google, dan mitra lainnya. Info selanjutnya dan link pendaftaran:
The Provincial Government of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) collaborates with the Australia Awards in Indonesia, University of Nusa Cendana and Griffith University to deliver the Split-Site Master’s Scholarship Program for Civil Servants in NTT, for the academic years of 2020-2022. This scholarship program consists of 1 year of study at University of Nusa Cendana, Indonesia and 1 year of study at Griffith University, Australia. At the end of study, scholars will obtain two degrees, which are Magister Ilmu Lingkungan and Master of Environment. If you are a civil servant working in NTT and...
General The Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant will assist students who plan to undertake research or are currently undertaking research for which they will benefit from travel to Indonesia.The grant will be awarded to outstanding applicants who can demonstrate that travelling to Indonesia will contribute to their research on Indonesia. Value The value of the grant shall be up to $5,000.The grant will be provided lump sum to the recipients.The grant shall contribute towards paying for economy return airfares to - Indonesia and actual expenses related to travel, e.g. insurance,...
  This call for expression of interest is a preliminary announcement in the preparation for The 2020 Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Sciences Symposium, jointly organized by the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and the United State of America National Academy of Sciences US-NAS), to be held on August 3-8, 2020 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Background The first Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium was held in 2011 as a joint program between the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and the US National Academy of...
DEADLINE: MAY 30TH, 2020 Call scope: The Managing Agency of Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan, known as LPDP) has recently launched the RISPRO International Collaboration (RISPRO-KI). The objective of the scheme is mainly to accelerate the national invention through international research collaboration. The transformation of collaboration outcome from “Co-authorship to Co-invention” becoming a target of this scheme. The Indonesian Science Fund (Dana Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, known as DIPI) has recently been appointed as RISPRO’s delivery partner who has...
For the 4th year running, UNEP is calling on 18-30-year-old innovators to submit their creative solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Representing every global region, seven applicants with the most promising solutions will be recognized as Young Champions of the Earth – the world’s preeminent environmental honor for young people. Each winner will receive seed funding, mentorship, and participation in a high-level IN meeting and global publicity. How to applyApplications can be submitted in 7 UN languages via a portal on the Young Champions website. The...
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Program English Language Training Assistance (ELTA), atau program Bantuan Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris) dirancang untuk menunjang para pendaftar Beasiswa Australia Awards jenjang S2 (Master) yang memenuhi kriteria beasiswa namun memiliki tingkat kemahiran bahasa Inggris di bawah persyaratan minimal IELTS 5,0 untuk pendaftaran Australia Awards Scholarships. Pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris di empat area keterampilan (mendengar, membaca, menulis & berbicara). Pelatihan ini juga bertujuan mengembangkan keterampilan akademik; teknik-teknik belajar mandiri yang efektif...
