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Climate Change and Food Supply: Reinforcing the North-South Divide

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RSIS Commentary is a platform to provide timely and, where appropriate, policy-relevant commentary and analysis of topical issues and contemporary developments. The views of the authors are their own and do not represent the official position of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU. These commentaries may be reproduced electronically or in print with prior permission from RSIS and due recognition to the author(s) and RSIS. Please email: for feedback to the Editor RSIS Commentaries, Mr Yang Razali Kassim.

Working Paper 27: Program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) sebagai Alat Pendorong Pengembangan UMKM di Indonesia

Penulis: Meby Damayanti dan Latif Adam

Seri Kertas Kerja TNP2K mensosialisasikan berbagai temuan dari kajian yang tengah berlangsung untuk mendorong terjadinya pembahasan dan pertukaran gagasan mengenai masalah-masalah kemiskinan, perlindungan sosial dan pembangunan.

Dukungan bagi materi terbitan ini diberikan oleh Pemerintah Australia melalui Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF).
