
Call for Applications Social Enterprise (ACSE) Workshop for Civil Society Organisations

Call for Applications Social Enterprise (ACSE) Workshop for Civil Society Organisations Jakarta, 15-20 Des 2018 Informasi lebih lanjut dan mengunduh formulir aplikasi: Kirimkan formulir aplikasi ke sebelum 3 Des 2018

Open Recruitment Training of Trainers (TOT) on Online Course Data Journalism

AJIINDONESIA, Jakarta - Aliansi Jurnalis Independen dengan dukungan USAID Cegah sedang mengembangkan pelatihan Jurnalisme Data berbasis online. Pertimbangan utama adalah pembelajaran online dapat menjangkau lebih banyak jurnalis dari berbagai daerah untuk mengkampanyekan dan meningkatkan skill jurnalis dalam melakukan peliputan investigasi berbasis data (data driven).

Social Enterprise Development Bootcamp Batch 2.1

Social Innovation Acceleration Program (SIAP) is an incubator entity that focus on running a social enterprise development program. SIAP provide entrepreneurs with mentorship, personal, team and product development, knowledge resources, networking, and funding opportunity. The aim to become a launchpad for social enterprises, and work with them to create long-term sustainable impact and solve some of the country's most pressing economic and social issues.

Internship Opportunity

Maxwell Stamp is one of the world's leading international economics consultancies. Established in 1959, the corporation has over 50 years of experience in over 165 countries and territories. The firm’s track record in transition and developing countries is unparalleled from Albania to Zambia.
