Are you passionate about learning the management approaches to water and sanitation utilisation to provide quality services? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Water Utility of the Future!
The course builds on the World Bank's Utility of the Future program and customises its approach to the Indonesian context. The course aims to develop leadership skills and capabilities to navigate Indonesia's rapidly changing water and sanitation services sector. The participants will analyse the stakeholders' role, identify water and sanitation utility problems, and learn from Australia's...
Indonesia Inclusive Livelihoods for Poor Rural Communities in Eastern Indonesia Project merupakan proyek kerja sama Bank Dunia dan Yayasan BaKTI sebagai lembaga pelaksana yang akan diimplementasikan di 2 (dua) kabupaten yakni Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur (Provinsi Maluku) dan Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya (Provinsi NTT).
Proyek ini akan merancang dan mengimplementasikan sebuah model untuk daerah-daerah yang terisolir dan wilayah marginal melalui perencanaan dan pengembangan mata pencaharian yang inklusif dan berbasis masyarakat, agar masyarakat dapat memperkuat ekonomi dan meningkatkan...
Kemitraan Australia-Indonesia Menuju Masyarakat Inklusi (INKLUSI) bersama Yayasan BaKTI melanjutkan dukungan Australia untuk kesejahteraan Indonesia, yang membangun lebih lanjut kemajuan di bidang kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan, inklusi sosial, serta penguatan masyarakat sipil. Dukungan ini termasuk pengalaman dan pembelajaran dalam pembangunan berbasis masyarakat, program masyarakat sipil, pemberdayaan perempuan, dan program pembangunan inklusif – melalui program yang baru berakhir, yaitu MAMPU dan Peduli. INKLUSI juga membangun lebih lanjut kerja OMS (Organisasi Masyarakat...
Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) is a non-profit organisation working to prevent and seek justice for human rights violations in the Asia Pacific region. AJAR is recognised as a centre for excellence for human rights, justice and accountability, based on solid knowledge and evidence, and supported by an international network of respected and committed human rights defenders and victims of violations. Established in 2010, AJAR’s mission is to help break the cycles of mass human rights violations. Key contributors to these violations are lack of accountability, impunity, and intolerance.AJAR’s...
Selama kurun hampir tiga tahun terakhir semenjak ditetapkannya pandemic COVID- 19 di Indonesia, UNICEF telah memberikan dukungan komunikasi resiko dan pelibatan masyarakat (RCCE) kepada pemerintah Indonesia untuk memastikan munculnya dan menginkatnya permintaan vaksinasi COVID-19 di lapisan masyarakat dan adopsi pencegahan perilaku COVID-19. UNICEF bekerja sama dengan pemerintah Indonesia, lembaga berbasis agama, jaringan pemuda, organisasi masyarakat sipil, akademisi, media massa, mitra pembangunan dan badan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) lainnya untuk memperkuat upaya pembangunan nasional...
Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Indonesia's Public SectorAre you passionate about promoting transparency and accountability in Indonesia? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Indonesia’s Public Sector.
The course aims to improve transparency and accountability in the public sector, especially in the justice and civil service sectors. The course supports the Government of Indonesia’s commitments to building a clean and trusted public sector through strengthening judicial...
The New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta is calling for proposals for the Opening Round of the Head of Embassy Fund (HEF) 2022/23. The HEF supports small-scale, short-term community projects that contribute to wider community well-being. The maximum funding available is NZ$25,000 for individual projects. The maximum duration of projects is 24 months. The deadline for proposals is 4.00 pm on Tuesday 20 December 2022.
Proposed projects should meet HEF criteria (see attached document). All proposals should use the attached application form. Proposals should provide the following details, proportionate...
Are you a young woman leader from a faith-based organisation keen to develop leadership skills? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Leadership for Youth Interfaith Woman Leaders!
The course aims to empower the participants to be key players in improving economic, social and cultural development in their organisations and the wider community and building global networks for future women leaders. The course will bring participants to meet with leading experts in the sector. The course is designed for up to 25 youth representatives from faith-based organisations, university staff...
Do you know Australian alumni who have made a positive impact in Indonesia? Supported by the Australian Embassy, the 2022 Australian Alumni Awards provide an opportunity to recognise the outstanding work of our alumni in Indonesia. This year's awards are divided into three categories: Alumni of the Year, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Promoting Women's Empowerment and Social Inclusion.
View award criteria and make your nominations by 23 October at this link. Self-nominations are permitted.
The awards will be presented at the 2022 Alumni Awards Presentation in...
Are you an Indonesian civil servant working in the tourism sector and interested in pursuing higher education in Australia and Indonesia? Apply now for the Split-Site Masters Scholarship Program in the tourism sector! The Scholarship is delivered to you by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, and Monash University, for the academic year 2023-2025.
This one-of-a-kind Scholarship program consists of one year of study at Bandung Institute...