Project Profile

People-centered Development Programme (PcDP) Phase II: The Implementation of Institutionalizing Sustainable Livelihood Development for Papuan Communities

Jangka Waktu Project:
May 2012 to December 2013
Organisasi Pendana:
  • ILO (New Zealand's International Aid and Development Agency)
Pemerintah Mitra:
  • Gubernur dan Kepala Distrik
  • Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA) Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat
  • Provinsi
  • DInas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
  • Bank Indonesia
  • Bank Lokal
  • DPRD Provinsi
  • Kamar Dagang (KADIN)
Lembaga Mitra:
  • Universitas Negeri Papua Barat
  • Universitas Cendrawasih Papua
  • Organisasi Masyarakat Lokal
  • Organisasi Berbasis Masyarakat
  • Asosiasi Pengusaha (Apindo)
  • Serikat Pekerja
  • Media Massa Lokal
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Wilayah Kerja:
Papua, Papua Barat
Kontak Detail:

Mr Tauvik Muhamad
Programme Officer
ILO Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste
Menara Thamrin, Level 22
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3
Jakarta 10250
Tel. +6221 3913112
Fax. +6221 3100766

Project Summary:

The Project aims to improve community welfare, in particular of indigenous Papuans through the functioning of local Government and civil society basic systems and processes for sustainable livelihood development in Papua region

The project will contribute to the second phase of the UNDP People Centred Development Project- Output 2 “Improved community welfare, in particular of indigenous Papuans through the functioning of local Government and civil society basic systems and processes for sustainable livelihood development in Papua regions”. The proposed intervention will also complement other outcomes of the PCDP2, namely participatory approach to policy making and plans, improved delivery of health and education services, improved coordination mechanisms for development of the Papua region.

The project will focus on improving capacity of the existing stakeholders, including Indigenous Papuan people as target beneficiaries to have an access for a better livelihood through three interconnected components:

1. Support potential local business development in Papua and West Papua;
2. Facilitation of access to fi nance to selected business groups; and
3. Establishment of micro enterprises development centre/ incubation initiatives.