

The New Zealand Embassy in Jakarta is calling for proposals for the opening of round 1 of the Head of Embassy Fund (HEF) 2024/25. The HEF supports small-scale, short-term community projects that contribute to wider community well-being. The maximum funding available for this round is up to NZ$50,000 for individual projects. A higher funding per project might be considered if relevant with the local context and the needs to be addressed. The maximum duration of projects is 24 months. The deadline for proposals is 4.00 pm on Friday 14 February 2025.

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Digital Transformation – Policy and Practice

Are you interested in the development and implementation of digital policies? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Digital Transformation – Policy and Practice.

This course aims to strengthen the capacity of Echelon 2-4 staff across key Indonesian Government ministries involved in developing and implementing digital transformation in government, including the role of government in the digital economy, cyber security, GEDSI-related objectives, ICT infrastructure, and cross-government coordination.

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Principles and Practice of Effective Biosecurity Measures for Humans and Animals

Are you a mid-career staff who makes, influences, and implements biosecurity policies for humans and animals? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on “Principles and Practice of Effective Biosecurity Measures for Humans and Animals”.

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Enhancing Market Integration with Australia for MSME Business Leaders in Creative & Cultural Industries

Are you a business leader (including a woman entrepreneur) of a private sector MSME with a strong focus on creative industries? Apply for the Enhancing Market Integration with Australia for MSME Business Leaders in Creative and Cultural Industries Short Course.

The Australia Awards Short Course on Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Indonesia's Public Sector

Apply Now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Indonesia's Public Sector
Are you passionate about promoting transparency and accountability in Indonesia? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Indonesia’s Public Sector.

Applications Open for the Australia Awards Short Course on Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Sector

Are you a civil servant interested in learning more about gender mainstreaming in government agencies? Australia Awards in Indonesia invites representatives of the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to apply for a two-week short course on Gender Mainstreaming in the Public Sector.

Applications Open for the Australia Awards Short Course on Sustainable Tourism Management

Do you want to contribute more to tourism management in Indonesia? Apply now for the Australia Awards Short Course on Sustainable Tourism Management. Applications are now open!

The course explores sustainable tourism from environmental and cultural heritage perspectives and identifies investments needed to make tourism more sustainable. The course will also build links between Indonesian and Australian tourism professionals, identify ways to attract high-value tourism, and prioritise sustainable tourism post-COVID-19, including digital platforms.

Applications Open for the Australia Awards Short Course on Renewable Energy Technologies

Do you work in the energy sector and are passionate about Renewable Energy Technologies? Apply now for the Australia Awards Renewable Energy Technology Short Course. Applications are now open!

This course focuses on solar, hydro and waste to energy. The course benchmarks renewable energy technologies and explores their suitability and viability in Indonesia. 
