knowledge Management

Sourcebook on Emerging Good Practice - Managing for Development Results

Emerging Good Practice in Managing for Development Results (MfDR) provides readers with a unique opportunity to learn about how MfDR works in action. This 2nd Edition builds on the first by offering readers a new selection of country cases, developed through the OECD/DAC regional Mutual Learning Initiatives and other notable emerging examples of good practice for MfDR.

The Implications Of Knowledge Management Sustainability For Leadership In An Organization: An Exploration and Analysis of Leadership Theories and Knowledge Management Practices In Bangwita Flores, Indonesia

Knowledge management has been recognized as an effective tool for improving the performance and productivity of organizations in this knowledge era. In this sense, knowledge management is a process. Knowledge management is a process of acquisition, validation, utilization, sharing, storage and diffusion of knowledge. Research article by Nikolaus Salo.
